Wednesday 12 June 2013

Berlin, Symphony of a Great City
Starting at dawn and ending at midnight, the film gives us a spectacular view of a single day in Berlin. The beginning of the day is depicted with the motionless view of the streets. The first thing that is prominent is the lack of people or animals inside the frame. Later on, a man and his dog appear in the screen and the day starts properly including the fundamental pieces which are necessary to entitle a place as a city. As the number of the people increases, the life in Berlin also starts to get into motion. People communicate with each other; they keep providing their daily needs such as eating, sleeping and also basic emotions such as love, fear and anger. With the appearance of the people in the frame, the perception of desolation is removed. Another aspect of the movie is the depiction of the mechanization and industry. The urban life flows clinging to the all of the factories, trains and many other mechanical advancement of the mid-twenties. The manner of work that the citizens have resembles the working principles of the machines.

The elements that constitute a city are divided into two parts; inhabitants or the mechanization.  Therefore, it is not enough to place and industry to create an urban life. What is most profound is the combination of these features with the people (citizens) who are able to communicate and have shared culture to grasp each others’ emotions and attitudes. The inhabitants of the city demonstrate that there should be social and psychological aspect as well as the industrial and economic side of that land.

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